The Symbiosis Law School Pune has introduced computerized facilities for both housekeeping as well as information retrieval. Keeping in mind the vision to create an E-Law School, the library subscribes to many international online databases like Manupatra, SCC Online Case Finder , Westlaw, LexisNexis, Index to legal periodical, JSTOR, etc. which contains enormous research data like international case reporters, statutes, and articles from law reviews, an invaluable source for a law school student. Similarly, Indian online data bases like manupatra.com, are also available for students and faculty. SLS ,Pune is one of the pioneer legal educational institutions in Pune to subscribe to these online databases.other international databases like Kluwer Arbitration Online, Kluwer Patent Law Online, Kluwer Competition Law The library also has CD-ROMs search facilities.With a computerized library system the Symbiosis Law School Library aims to establish a network of law libraries in India. SLS Pune Library also intends to establish a National Legal Information Centre.