2023 Faculty Publication
Sr No. | Name of Faculty | Designation | Publishing Month (2021) | Title | Journal | Index | Domain Area |
1 | Dr. Atmaram Shelke, Mr. Pavanaj R Hariharan | Associate Professor | January | EFFECTIVE DATA PRIVACY NORMS FOR A FIRM: A NEED OF HOUR | International E-Journal on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cyber Security. | NA | Information Technology Law |
2 | Dr. Mrs. Rupal Rautdesai & Dr. Mrs. Bindu Ronald | Professor | January | CHANGE OFOUTLOOKFOR MODERN DATA PROTECTION PRACTICES | International E-Journal on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cyber Security. | NA | Information Technology Law |
3 | Ms. Priyanka Majumdar & Ms. Aarya Chhangani | Assistant Professor | January | IS Al-BASED SURVEILLANCE AND FACIAL RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY DEVALUING HUMAN RIGHTS? | International E-Journal on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cyber Security. | NA | Information Technology Law & Human Rights |
4 | RICHA DWIVEDI Ms. Abhinav Shrivastava Mr. | Assistant Professor | February | The Role of Opposition in a Democracy: A Bibliometric Analysis, | Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln International SCOPUS- ISSN 1522-0222 | SCOPUS | Constitutional Law |
5 | Dr. Bibhabasu Misra | Assistant Professor | February | Right to Privacy as a Fundamental Right in Absence of Express Statutory Provisions: A Critical Analysis of Justice K.S.Puttaswamy (Retd.) V. Union oflndia, | INDIAN JOURNAL OF LAW AND JUSTICE National UGC Care- Vol. 11 No. 02 September 2020 ISSN-0976:3570 | UGC Care | Constitutional Law |
6 | Aadya Sharma, Dibyashree Ghosh, Neha Divekar, Manisha Gore, Saikat Gochhait, S.S. Shireshi | Assistant Professor | March | (03/ 2021) Comparing the socio-economic implications of the 1918 Spanish flu and the COVID-19 pandemic in India: A systematic review of literature | International Social Science Journal, Wiley Online Library https://doi.org/10.1111/issj.12266 SCOPUS Online ISSN:1468-2451 | SCOPUS | Socio- Eco, Health |
7 | Prof. Abhijit D Vasmatkar, Prof. Bindu Ronald and Mr. Shreeharsh Palanki | Assistant Professor & Professor | March | EMERGING TRADE PRACTICES UNDER INTERNATIONAL TRADING REGIME WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO TRADE IN GOODS, | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, ISSN and UGC Approved, 5.75 Impact factor, Refereed Journal, Peer Journal and Indexed Journal (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138) Vol 8 Issue 1 March 2021 | UGC Care | International Trade Law |
8 | Abhijit D Vasmatkar, Dr. Bindu Ronald | Assistant Professor & Professor | March | TOWARDS AN OPERATIVE SOLUTION TO THE APPELLATE BODY CRISIS UNDER THE WTO, PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) | 58(2): 9417- 9427 ISSN:0033-3077 SCOPUS(lnternational) | SCOPUS | International Trade Law |
9 | Prof. Dr. Shashikala Gurpur, Dr. Manika Kamthan & Ms. Vartika Tiwari | Professor & Assistant Professor | March | A Bibliometric Analysis of Human trafficking in the wake of Natural Disasters, Library Philosophy and Practice | Publisher: University of Idaho Library, ISSN:1522-02221ndex: SCOPUS (Q2) (International) | SCOPUS | Human Rights |
10 | Dr. Sruti Kanungo and Prof. Vibha Chaturvedi | Assistant Professor | March | Changing Workspace and Rising Precarity: When Work and Family Come Together, Biase. Biotech. Res. Comm. | Special issue Vol 13 No 15 (2021)Print ISSN: 0974-6455 Online ISSN: 2321-4007 Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) I eb of Science (WoS), NAAS Score 4.31 and having Impact Factor 7.728(1nternational) | WoS | Socio- Eco, Health |
11 | Aarya Chhangani, Priyanka Majumdar | Assistant Professor | March | IS Al-BASED SURVEILLANCE AND FACIAL RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY DEVALUING HUMAN RIGHTS? | International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 10, No.2, 2021 ISSN: 2305-7246. Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | Information Teachnology Law |
12 | Maria Javed, Varun Sharma | Assistant Professor | March | COURTS SHAPING RELIGION: MOVING BEYOND THE ESSENTIAL RELIGIOUS PRACTICES TEST, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 10, No.2, 20211SSN: 2305-7246 . Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | Social |
13 | Pallavi S. Pathare, Manika Kamthan | Assistant Professor | March | IMPLEMENTATION OF MINIMUM WAGES ACT IN AGRICULTURAL SECTOR, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 10, No.2, 20211SSN: 2305-7246 . Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | Labour Law |
14 | Prathamesh Milind Joshi, Rupal Rautdesai | Professor | March | SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES FACED BY SMES FROM TRANSFER PRICING LAWS, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 10, No.2, 20211SSN: 2305-7246 . Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | Business Law |
15 | Sayantan Bhattacharyya, Dr. Aparajita Mohanty, Dr. Sujata Arya | Professor & Assistant Professor | March | THE ETHICS OF ABORTION: ANALYSING THE MORAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE RIGHT TO ABORT A PREGNANCY, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 10, No.2, 20211SSN: 2305-7246 . eb of Science (WoS) | WoS | Health |
16 | Priyal Dhandhukia, Ujwal Prabhakar Nandekar | March | PROBLEMS FACED BY SMALL AND MEDIUM-SCALE ENTERPRISES IN TERMS OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 10, No.2, 20211SSN: 2305-7246 . Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | IPR | |
17 | Vaishnavi Venkatesan, Garima Panwar | Assistant Professor | March | CREATIVE V. PURPOSIVE SPORTS: NEED FOR RECOGNIZING SPORTS PERSONS AS PERFORMERSUNDER COPYRIGHT LAW, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 10, No.2, 20211SSN: 2305-7246. Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | IPR |
18 | Kshitij Naikade, Vedika Walia | Assistant Professor | March | MIGRATION OF THE UNREGULATED ECONOMY: THE UNQUANTIFIABLE SETBACK FOR WOMEN, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 10, No.2, 20211SSN: 2305-7246. Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | Human Rights |
19 | Priyanka Majumdar, Rupal Rautdesai, Bindu Ronald | Assistant Professor & Professor | March | REGULATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN INDIA: LEGAL PERSONHOOD AND LIABILITY, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 10, No.2, 2021 ISSN: 2305-7246. Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | Information Technology Law |
20 | Adishree Singh, Richa Dwivedi | Assistant Professor | March | CONSTITUTIONAL LITERACY IN INDIA, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 10, No.2, 2021 ISSN: 2305-7246. Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | Constitutional LAw |
21 | S Ashwin Vardarajan, Ashutosh Panchbai, Richa Dwivedi | Assistant Professor | March | INTERPRETATION OF DOCTRINE OF REPUGNANCY UNDER THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 10, No.2, 2021 ISSN: 2305-7246. Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | Constitutional LAw |
22 | Pulkit Rathi, Ujwal Prabhakar Nandekar | March | THE EVOLUTION OF THE CONCEPT OF ORIGINALITY AND ITS IMPACT ON THE CINEMATOGRAPH INDUSTRY, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 10, No.2, 2021 ISSN: 2305-7246. Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | IPR | |
23 | Sai Smrithi Balasubramanian, Garima Panwar | Assistant Professor | March | COVID-19 VACCINE VIS-À-VIS APPLICATION OF PATENT LAW DURING PANDEMIC, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture Volume 10, No.2, 20211SSN: 2305-7246. eb of Science (WoS) | WoS | IPR |
24 | Shirish Kulkarni, Sandhya De | Assistant Professor | March | DOMAIN NAME DISPUTE RESOLUTION IN INDIA: A MANIFESTATION OF THE ARBITRATION REGIME & PRIVACY ISSUES, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture Volume 10, No.2, 20211SSN: 2305-7246. Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | IPR, Information Technology Law |
25 | Sunishtha Moghe, Meghna Sharma | Assistant Professor | March | AN ASSESSMENT OF INDIA'S ABORTION LAWS: CRITICAL INSIGHT, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture Volume 10, No.2, 20211SSN: 2305-7246. eb of Science (WoS) | WoS | Health |
26 | Dhrumi Gada, Santosh Aghav | Associate Professor | March | RETHINKING THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACT IN THIS NEW CYBER AGE, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture Volume 10, No.2, 20211SSN: 2305-7246. eb of Science (WoS) | WoS | IT Law |
27 | Dhrumi Gada, Santosh Aghav | Associate Professor | March | A STUDY OF THE LAW REFORMS NEEDED IN THE DATA PROTECTION LAW OF INDIA, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture Volume 10, No.2, 20211SSN: 2305-7246. Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | IT Law |
28 | Ruksana Akhtar, Kshitij Naikade, Bibhabasu Misra | Assistant Professor | March | DEFINING STATELESSNESS IN INDIA: JURISPRUDENTIAL ASPECT, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture Volume 10, No.2, 20211SSN: 230S-7246. Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | Constitutional Law |
29 | Sapna Bansal, Kanupriya Sharma | Assistant Professor | March | RECOGNITION OF IRRETRIEVABLE BREAKDOWN AS BASIS OF DIVORCE IN INDIA: JUDICIAL INTERPRETATION 2016-2020, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture Volume 10, No.2, 20211SSN: 230S-7246. Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | Family Law |
30 | Shraddha Damle, Santosh Aghav, Preeti Mulay | Associate Professor | March | Influencer marketing: A study of new dimension in E-commerce in light of recent case law, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture Volume 10, No.2, 20211SSN: 230S-7246. Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | Marketing |
31 | Shraddha Damle and Santosh Aghav | Associate Professor | March | TRADEMARKS, BRAND ENGAGEMENT AND PANDEMIC 2020: A NEED OF NEW APPROACH, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture Volume 10, No.2, 20211SSN: 230S-7246. eb of Science (WoS) | WoS | IPR |
32 | Vandini Sharma, Manika Kamthan | Assistant Professor | March | ENCOUNTER KILLINGS: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO VICTIMS OF POLICE BRUTALITIES AND ENCOUNTERS, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture Volume 10, No.2, 20211SSN: 230S-7246. Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | Criminal Law |
33 | Vibha Chaturvedi | March | INFORMAL WORKFORCE IN INDIA - CHALLENGES TO SOCIAL SECURITY IN THE WAKE OF COVID-19: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS WITH SE ASIA ON STEPS TAKEN, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture Volume 10, No.2, 2021 ISSN: 230S-7246. Web of Science (WoS) | WoS | Socio Economic | |
34 | Dr. Dhanaji Jadhav & Dr. Atmaram Shelke | Associate Professor | May | Intricacies in Regulating Higher Legal Education and Research in India A Critical Appraisal of the Legal Education Rules 2020, PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) | ISSN: 0033-3077 Volume: S8(4): Pages: 487 - S02. Scopus. | SCOPUS | Education |
35 | Kshitij Naikade & Dr. Sukalpa Chakrabarti | Assistant Professor | May | Critical Analysis of Relevance of Microfinance in India in the Post COVID Era. | Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 4264-4276. Scopus. e-ISSN 1309-46S3 | SCOPUS | Finance |
36 | Shrirang Dattatraya Altekar, Bharti Wadhwa, Bharti Wadhwa, Aakanksha Uppal, Davinder Kaur Sohi | Assistant Professor | May | BIOLOGICAL AND PARENTAL PREDICTORS: IMPACT ON ADOLESCENT BEHAVIOR, | International Journal of Modern Agriculture Volume 10, No.2, 2021 ISSN: 230S-7246. eb of Science (WoS) | WoS | Social |
37 | Prof. Damodar Hake & Janhavi Gupta | Assistant Professor | June | An Overview of the Working of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 with reference to Insolvency Professionals, | Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol.12 No.12 (2021), 28S7-2872. SCOPUS Q4 International e-ISSN 1309-46S3 | SCOPUS | Busines Law |
38 | Dr. Sruti Kanungo & Anandita Chakraborty | Assistant Professor | June | Gold Governance and Goldsmethery: Economic Sociology of an informal manufacturing sector in India, Contribution to Indian Sociology | (SS) 2: 172- 199 Scopus (Q3) ISSN: 00699667, 09730648 | SCOPUS | Socio Economic |
39 | Dr. Ashish Deshpande | Assistant Professor | June | Pesticide usage by Grape Farmers in Maharashtra-Issues and Challenges, Annals of Romanian Society for Cell Biology, | ISSN:1S83-62S8, Vol. 2S, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 11648-11670. SCOPUS | SCOPUS | Farmers Rights |
40 | Shashikala Gurpur Dr. Manika Kamthan, Ms Vartika Tiwari | Professor & Assistant Professor | July | A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends of Inter linkages between Disaster Management and Law, | Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), ISSN- 1S22- 0222. SCOPUS International. | SCOPUS | Management & Law |
41 | Kumud Malviya | Assistant Professor | July | REVIEWING THE EXISTING POLICYRELATED TO CRYPTO CURRENCYREGULATION FOR HEALTHY FINANCIAL SYSTEM IN INDIA: HAS THE EXERCISE BEEN A SUCCESS, Annals of R.S.C.B., | ISSN:1S83-62S8, Vol. 2S, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 14442-144S3. SCOPUS International. | SCOPUS | IT Law |
42 | Anindita Saha & Dr. Gireesh Abhyankar | Associate Professor | July | Effectiveness of Parole through the concept of modified penological methods as alternative detention for Offenders in era of Reformative theory, | International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods, (IJARESM), ISSN No: 24SS-6211. | NA | Criminal Law |
43 | Shirish Dattatraya Kulkarni Ms. Rini Jincy Paul | Assistant Professor | July | Development Associate (Fundraising), Educate Girls NGO, Mumbai, Empirical Study on the Challenges to Community Reintegration under Mental Healthcare: An Analysis With Reference to SDG 2030, | Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education. Vol 12 No. 10 pp 1297- 1304 SCOPUS. ISSN: 1309-46S3 | SCOPUS | Health |
44 | Karthiayani A. & Dr. Manika Kamthan | Assistant Professor | July | Homosexuality and adoption of children: A bibliometric analysis, | Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) ISSN 1S22-0222 Scopus. International | SCOPUS | Human Rights |
45 | Asawari Deshpande, Shashikala Gurpur, Sujata Arya and Shireshi Shambhulinganand | Professor & Assistant Professor | July | The Global Response to Abortion - with Special Focus on India's Medical Termination of Pregnancy Bill, | Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 33(36A): 16-24, 2021; Article no.JPRl.69S34 ISSN: (07/2021) 24S6-9119 (Past name: British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Past ISSN: 2231-2919, NLM ID: 1016317S9) SCOPUS International. | SCOPUS | Health |
46 | Kshitij Naikade and Pragya Bansal | Assistant Professor | July | Impact of Civil Society in Policy and Governance: How Art Impacts the Society's Awareness, REVISTA GEINTEC-GESTAO INOVACAO E TECNOLOGIAS (Management, Innovation and Technologies) | International Web of Science
https://www.revistageintec.net/index.php/revista/article/view/2320 ISSN: 2237- 0722 |
WoS | Management & Law |
47 | Himanshi Parekh, Prof. Yogesh Dharangutti | Assistant Professor | July | BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF RESEARCH TRENDS ON ROLE OF DISPUTE RESOLUTION MECHANISMS IN FAMILY LAW CONFLICTS, | Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) ISSN 1S22-0222 SCOPUS (Q2) International. | SCOPUS | Family Law |
48 | Prof. Nagesh Sawant and Srushti Angane | Assistant Professor | August | "A Bibliometric Analysis of Impunity for Marital Rape in Contemporary Context" | Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) ISSN: 1522- 0222 Index: SCOPUS (Q2) International. | SCOPUS | Criminal LAw |
49 | Prof. Sunishtha Moghe, Sanjana Saha | Assistant Professor | August | Criminalization of Marital Rape in India, | Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQl)Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2021: 3862-3869, Scopus International | SCOPUS | Criminal Law |
50 | Dr. Sujata Arya, Srijoy Deb and Virendra Singh Thakur | Assistant Professor | August | Applicability of State Responsibility for Health Emergencies and the Unique Situation of China amid SARS- COV- 2 , | Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 33(37A): 77-84, 2021; Article no.JPRl.69551 ISSN: 2456-9119 (Past name: British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Past ISSN: 2231-2919, NLM ID: 101631759) WoS International | WoS | Health |
51 | Anant Pawar, Prof. Ramratan Dhumal | Assistant Professor | August | Witness Protection and Criminal Justice System in India - A Critique, | International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 9, Issue 6, June -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429. | NA | Criminal Law |
52 | Swapnil Somanjai Sharma, Abhijit D. Vasmatkar, Dr. Ramratan Dhumal | Assistant Professor | August | International Labour Standards during Covid-19: The Indian Reality, | International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 9, Issue 7 July -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429 | NA | Labour Law |
53 | Sukhtani Enling & Dr. Girish Abhyankar | Associate Professor | August | Live-in Relationship in India, | International Journal of Integrated Studies and Research Volume 1, Issue 4 ISSN 2582-743X | NA | Constitutional Law, Human Rights |
54 | NAMRATA Chakraborty & Dr. Ashish Deshpande | Assistant Professor | August | Assessing The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 (UAPA) and Its Impact on India's Prison Justice System, 4 (4) | International Journal of Law, Management Humanities, IJLMH Page 3401 - 3409 (2021), DOI: https:// doij.org/10.10000/IJ LM H.111 748 . | NA | Criminal Law |
55 | DR. GIRISH ABHYANKAR AND AN INDITA SAHA | Associate Professor | August | Security of Witness in Criminal Justice System: Critical evaluation of the Witness Protection Scheme 2018, | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW MANAGEMENT & HUMANITIES, [ISSN 2581-5369] Volume 4 I Issue 4 2021 https://doij.org/10.10000/IJ LMH.111 790. | NA | Criminal Law |
56 | Demi Miriam, Raj A. Varma | Assistant Professor | September | Awareness of the National Medical Commission Act, 2019 Provisions to the Indian Medical Healthcare System: Issues and Challenges, | Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQl)Volume 12, Issue 9, August 2021: ISSN 1715-1726. Scopus International. | SCOPUS | Health |
57 | Mahesh Deshpande, Shashikala Gurpur | Professor | September | Made to Order Baby? Ethical and Legal Dimensions of Three Parent Baby and Germline Therapy, | Q2 journal - Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, Current Issue - Volume 24, Special Issue 4 (Title: Corporate Law and Legal System) (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044) Scopus International. | SCOPUS | Medical and Law |
58 | Divya Chavan, Shashikala Gurpur, Bindu Ronald | Professor | September | Engagement and Empowerment of Self Help Groups to Address Domestic Violence Against Women During Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown Situation, | Q2 journal - Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, Current Issue - Volume 24, Special Issue 4 (Title: Corporate Law and Legal System) (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044) Scopus International. | SCOPUS | Criminal Law |
59 | Aparajita Mohanty, Saksham Kumar | Professor | September | Need for a National Health Legislation in India: Constitutional Paradigm, Q2 journal - Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, Current Issue - | Volume 24, Special Issue 4 (Title: Corporate Law and Legal System) (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044) Scopus International. | SCOPUS | Health |
60 | Sanjana Mittal, Shashikala Gurpur | Professor | October | EXPLORING GENDER STEREOTYPING AS A DIMENSION OF INDECENT REPRESENTATION OF WOMEN IN INDIAN MEDIA, | Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues Volume 24, Special Issue 6, 2021 (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044) Scopus International Q2 | SCOPUS | Human Rights |
61 | S. S. Khakase, B. S. Ronald, T. M. Rathi | Professor | October | Global Depository receipts in India: Boon or Bane | Finance: Theory and Practice Financial University under The Government of Russian Federation ISSN:2587-5671E-ISSN:2587-7089 | Scopus | Business Law |
62 | Dr. Ashish Deshpande & Apoorva Singh | Assistant Professor | October | Analysis the adequacy of privacy and data protection laws in India with reference to Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 | Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal - October 2021 Volume 13, Issue 2, p. 251- 264 | WoS | Constitution Law & Cyber Law |
63 | Prof. Shubham Shandilya | Assistant Professor | October | A CRITICAL STUDY OF THE LIMITATIONS OF WRITS IN INDIA | Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue) ISSN 2319-4979 | WoS | Constitution Law |
64 | Nimisha Shukla and Dr. Ashish Deshpande | Assistant Professor | October | The Human Cost of Counter Terrorism in India | Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue) ISSN 2319-4980 | WoS | Human Rights |
65 | Nimisha Shukla and Dr. Ashish Deshpande | Assistant Professor | October | ANALYZING THE ADEQUACY OF PRIVACY AND DATA PROTECTION LAWS IN INDIA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION BILL, 2019 | Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue) ISSN 2319-4981 | WoS | Constitution Law & Cyber Law |
66 | N.H. Sawant and D. Hake | Assistant Professor | October | A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF FICUS PAX PRIVATE LTD. & ORS. VS. UNION OF INDIA & ORS. (WRIT PETITION (C) DIARY NO. 10983 OF 2020) | Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue) ISSN 2319-4982 | WoS | Constitution Law |
67 | Sujata ARYA, Aparajita MOHANTY, Sayantan BHATTACHARYYA | Assistant Professor, Associate Professor | December | CLIMATE CHANGE AS A THREAT TO REGIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY AND THE ROLE OF THE UNSC AN INDIA-EU PERSPECTIVE IN CONTEXT | EURASIA SPECIAL ISSUE, Politeja No. 4(73), 2021, pp. 123-144 https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.18.2021.73.07 | NA | Environment Law |
68 | Prof. SM Amir Ali | Assistant Professor | December | International Initiative Vis-A-Vis Cyber Terrorism: Analyzing the Effectiveness of the Budapest Convention in India | Design Engineering (Toronto) ISSN Number: 0011-9342, Vol 2021: Issue 09, Pgs.: 3696-3712 | Scopus | International Law |
69 | Prof. Damodar Hake and Tanisha Batra | Assistant Professor | December | EVALUATION OF THE EFFICACY OF GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL MECHANISM IN BANKING SYSTEM | Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue) ISSN 2319-4982 | WoS | Business Law |
70 | Gitanjali Shrivastava, Neeraj Kataria, Zakaria Chabani, Korakod Tongkachok, Anas A. Salameh | Assistant Professor | December | ROLE OF E-HRM PRACTICES ON BUSINESS EFFECTIVENESS IN THE DIGITAL ERA- AN EMPIRICAL STUDY | Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, Volume 28, Special Issue 2, 2022 Print ISSN: 1087-9595; Online ISSN: 1528-2686 | Scopus | Management |
71 | Shubham Shandilya | Assistant Professor | December | AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF THE CHANGING PATTERN OF FEDERAL DIVISION OF POWER IN INDIA | Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) Volume 12, Issue 10, PP 2068-2079 E-ISSN: 1309-6591 | Scopus | Constitution Law |
72 | Ms. Jaisy George & Dr. Ashish Deshpande | Assistant Professor | December | Impact of Technology in Investigations: The Judicial Response to Admissibility of Evidence Obtained Technologically | NVEO - Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils Scopus e-ISSN: 2148-9637 Aliva Global Research and Development | Scopus | Evidence Law |
Blog | |||||||
1 | Dr. Shashiskala Gurpur & Aakarsh Banyal | Professor | February | Revisiting Omission Liability at the ICC in theWake of Evolving Weapons Technology, Opinio Juris In association with the International Commission of Jurists. | http://opiniojuris.org/2021/02/11/revisiting-omission-liability-at-the-icc in-the-wake-of-evolving-weapons-technology/ | NA | International Law |
2 | Dr. Shashikala Gurpur | Professor | July | Write way to a booming legal career, The Hindu, JULY 31, 2021 13:57 IST UPDATED: JULY 31, 202113:57 IST. | https://www.thehindu.com/education/share-your insights-and-expertise-through-legal-blogging/article35647799.ece | NA | Legal Education |
3 | Dr. Bibhabasu Misra & Prof. Sunishtha Moghe | Assistanr Professor | August | Can Killing of Hindu Pandits in J&K be Termed as Genocide, sec Online Blog I Published on August 11, 2021 | https://www.scconline.com/blog/post/2021/08/11/genocide/ | NA | Criminal Law |
Journal Articles:
Conference Proceedings:
Book Chapter:
Dr. BibhabasuMisra (11/ 2020)"Polygamy in various personal laws in in India" SCC Online blog.
Journal Articles:
ISSN print: 1460-6739 International Journal Scopus Indexedhttps://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJPMB.2019.099334
Book Chapter:
Conference Proceedings:
Kshitij Naikade & Aadya Sharma (11/ 2019) Changing Theoretical Understanding of Issues faced by Women at Workplace: Fourth Wave of Feminism , 2nd International Conference on Challenges in Emerging Economies organized by K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research (SIMSR), Mumbai was published as a part of the Conference Proceedings with an ISBN Number: 978-81-936405-1-7. The paper was co-written with Miss. Aadya Sharma, Research Assistant at SIBM, Nagpur. (National)
Journal Publication:
Book Chapters:
Singh, Amita, Reddy,Sunita., Kamthan, Manika., Chugh, Gaurika.,(10/12/2018) Co-authored a Report on Governance & Legal Compliance on 2018 Kerala Floods, published by Special Centre for Disaster Research, JNU, New Delhi in collaboration with NIDM '2018 Kerala Floods: A Report on Governance and Legal Compliance', New Delhi: UPE2, SCDR-NIDM Research Publications. (National)
Sr No | Name of the Author & Co-Author if any | Publication Month & Year | Title of Publication | Publisher | ISSN/ISBN with Number |
1 | Raj Anjanikumar Varma, Shashikala Gurpur | Jan-18 | Access to Medicines and the Changing Role of Corporations: Making the Human Rights Regime Stronger in A Trips Plus World | Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Volume-08 | ISSN 2249-9598 |
2 | Viswesh Sekhar, Shashikala Gurpur | Jan-18 | Rights of the Disabled Child – International and Domestic Perspectives | Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Volume-08 | ISSN 2249-9598 |
3 | Alphonsa Neethu Alex, Shashikala Gurpur | Jan-18 | Copyright Protection of Traditional Folk Performing Art Forms | Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Volume-08 | ISSN 2249-9598 |
4 | Minakshi Rawate, Shashikala Gurpur | Jan-18 | Intellectual Property Crime of Counterfeiting in India: A Critical Evaluation | Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Volume-08 | ISSN 2249-9598 |
5 | Dr. Bindu Ronald, Sandeep Jalana & Manan Shanghai | Jan-18 | Section 138 Proceedings: Completely Misunderstood | Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Volume-08 | ISSN 2249-9598 |
6 | Sondhi Priya, Sarat Chandra Ponnada | Feb-18 | Haryana’s drought of brides and saga of exploitation | Chanakya National Law University Journal | ISSN 0976- |
7 | Sondhi Priya | Feb-18 | Norms of Interaction of Corporate Sector With Disaster Management | Corporate Law Advisor Vol. 142 Part IV | |
8 | Dr. SC Hajare, Amnasvi Tyagi | Mar-18 | Constitutionality and Legality of Demonetization Policy in India | Lex Revolution UGC Approved Periodical Indexed (Journal of Social & Legal Studies) Volume IV, Issue-1 | |
9 | Sondhi Priya | May-18 | Encounters and interaction of Law and morality with special reference to LGBT rights and right to abortion | Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Volume-08 | ISSN 2249-9598 |
Sr No | Name of the Author & Co-Author if any | Publication Month & Year | Title of Publication | Publisher | ISSN/ISBN with Number |
1 | Vanisree Ramanathan | Jan-17 | Rape and Indian Penal code : A way forward for gender-just society | 19(1) a, volume 1, Issue 2, an indexed peer reviewed journal | ISSN: 2348-4950 Jan 2017. |
2 | Vanisree Ramanathan and Neethu Alphonsa Alex | Feb-17 | Manuel Scavengers: Untouchables in the Modern Era, Journal of Legal studies and Research, | Volume 3, Issue 1, jlsr.thelawbrigade.com, February 2017. | |
3 | Gurpur Shashikala, Sekhar Viswesh | Feb-17 | From Objects Of Charity To Subjects With Rights: Empowerment Of The Disabled Traveller In The Jeeja Ghosh Verdict, Economic & Political Weekly | Vol. 52, Issue No. 8, Pg. No. 17 – 21 [SCOPUS] International | |
4 | Rautdesai Rupal, Nandekar Ujwal | Mar-17 | Online Photographs in News: Copyright Perspective. | Media Watch, 8(1): 133-140 | ( Scopus ; ISSN: 2249-8818). |
5 | Choudhury Semanti | Mar-17 | Will the Celebrities Pay for their Stardom? Looking into the New Consumer Protection Bill, 2015. Media Watch, 8(1): 49-56 | 1.( Scopus ; ISSN: 2249-8818). | |
6 | Jonnavithula Gayatri Anugha, Ujwal Prabhakar Nandekar | Apr-17 | Economic Aspiration, Polluted Respiration: | Story of Developing India, Environmental Law and Practice Review | (ISSN 2319-1856) Volume 5 2016. . |
7 | Surya Rashmi Rawat | Feb-17 | Traits of Transformational Leader: Durga Saptshati- A Case Study. | Purusharta, 9(2) : 18-26 | ( Scopus ; ISSN: 0975-024X) |
8 | Vidula Walimbe & Dr. Shashikala Gurpur | Apr-17 | Citation Indices: A Conceptual Review, | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 04 Issue: 04 | ; p-ISSN: 2395-0072. International |
9 | Surya Rashmi Rawat | 2017 | Demographic Dividend –a Myth or a Reality! | International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research. 15(2) pp 117-138 | ISSN : 0972-7302 Refereed journal(Scopus Indexed, listed JEL by American Economic Association (AEA), Index Copernicus, Elsevier’s bibliographic database, CAP International, Indian Sciences Abstract and Indian Citation Index (ICI). UGC Listed (UGC SERIAL NO.: 669) International |
10 | Surya RashmiRawat | 2017 | ‘Startup India, Standup India’: An Outstanding Drive for Employment Generation and Wealth Creation! | International Journal of Research in Computer Application and Management. International | |
11 | Surya RashmiRawat | 2017 | Understanding Brand India Campaign and Its Impact over Small Scale Industries. | International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management 7(1) pp 26-31. International | 12. Vidula Walimbe & Dr. Shashikala Gurpur (09/2017): Case studies of MSMEs and SMEs in Pune, International Journal of Law International |
12 | Varma Raj, Gurpur Shashikala | Dec-17 | Globalization and Intellectual Property Rights: A Case Based Critique on Access to Medicines in A TRIPS Plus World | Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Year : 2017, Volume : 8, Issue : 4, Print | ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.(SCOPUS) |
13 | Pathak Padmini & Gurpur Shashikala | Dec-17 | Rights of Children in Surrogacy and ART: Debating Challenges to Healthcare Justice | Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Year : 2017, Volume : 8, Issue : 4 | Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.(SCOPUS) (National). |
14 | Shelke Atmaram, Rathi Trupti, Johri Kriti | Dec-17 | Global Health Care: A Disregarded Domain, | Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Year : 2017, Volume : 8, Issue : 4, | Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.(SCOPUS). (National). |
15 |
Sapatnekar, Amol M & Nemane, Vivek N |
Jul-17 |
Legal Dynamics of Intellectual Property Relating To Nuclear Innovations, | JIPR Vol.22(4) [July 2017] 177-187. 0975-1076 (Online); 0971-7544 (Print) http://nopr.niscair.res.in/handle/123456789/43057. (National). | |
16 |
Vanisree Ramanathan, Girish Abhyankar, Asavari Abhyankar |
Dec-17 |
Barriers to Recuperating Patient Safety and Quality Care in Health Care System in India: Need for Compliance and Comprehensive Health Care Act | Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Year : 2017, Volume : 8, Issue : 4, | Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.(SCOPUS). |
17 |
T. Vanisree Ramanathan , Pradeep Narayanan, Tom Thomas, T. V. Ramanathan |
Dec-17 |
An Adaptive Index Associated With Community Ownership and Preparedness for The HIV Prevention Program in India, | Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Year : 2017, Volume : 8, Issue : 4, | Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.(SCOPUS). |
18 |
Vanisree Ramanathan , Shirish Kulkarni |
Dec-17 |
HIV/AIDS Initiative in India: Community Mobilization and Sustainability of Health Care, | Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Year : 2017, Volume : 8, Issue : 4 | Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.(SCOPUS). |
19 |
Bindu S Ronald , Satiksha Singh |
Dec-17 |
Medical Tourism: A New Challenge to Right to Health in a Globalised World, | Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Year : 2017, Volume : 8, Issue : 4 | Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.(SCOPUS). |
20 |
Surya Rashmi Rawat |
Dec-17 |
Understanding Challenges and Opportunities Before Wellness Tourism in India, | Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Year : 2017, Volume : 8, Issue : 4 | Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.(SCOPUS). |
21 |
Semanti Choudhury, Sujata Arya |
Dec-17 |
Post Mortem Sperm Retrieval: Legal and Ethical Concerns, | Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Year : 2017, Volume : 8, Issue : 4, | Online ISSN : 0976-5506.(SCOPUS). |
Sr No | Name of the Author & Co-Author if any | Publication Month & Year | Title of Publication | Publisher | ISSN/ISBN with Number |
1 |
RamanathanVanishree |
Jan-16 |
IPC 498A – Myths and Realities. |
International Journal for Legal Developments And Allied Issues Volume 2 Issue 1 |
[ISSN – 2454-1273] (e-journal) |
2 |
Pal Garima, Doming Tokmem |
Mar-16 |
Victims wedged in the Vicious Circle of Criminal Justice System: a possible solution, the need to recognize Victims’ Rights as human Rights , | American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (AIJRHASS), | ISSN(Print): 2328-3734, ISSN(Online): 2328-3696, ISSN(CD-ROM): 2328-3688, Issue 15, Page nos. (Other good Indexes – EBSCO - SCIRUS) International |
3 | Hajare Shashikant | Jun-16 | Invalidation of ‘National Judicial Appointments Commission’: “Tyranny of the Unelected” or “Preservation of Constitution Basic Structure”? | Fiat Justitia Vol IV April 2016 | ISSN 2320-2696. DES NFLC. Pune. |
4 | Bangal, Smita | May-16 | "A CRITICAL STUDY OF THE TRAGIC HEROINE IN PREMCHAND’S NIRMALA". | LangLit: An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal. VOL.2 ISSUE-4. LangLit: An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal | (ISSN 2349-5189) IBI Factor 2015 – Indexed – 2.4, www.langlit.org |
5 | Vanisree Ramanathan | Jun-16 | Women’s Empowerment: An Indian Experience | National Journal of Comparative law, Vol 3, Issue 1 | 1.ISSN- 2393-9338. |
6 | Surya Rashmi Rawat, Samanth Dushyanth , Anant Kediya , Pankhuri Dhruvastha | Jun-16 | Modi s Make in India drive: Right Time to give a National Call to become Global Manufacturing Hub. | Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(21): 1-11 | (Scopus, Ebsco, Index Copernicus; ISSN: 0974-6846). |
7 | Bangali Swapnil, Harita Swapnil Bangali | Jun-16 | Built in Challenges to Information Technology Law in India | International Journal for Advanced Research | 1.(ISSN 2320-5407), with 2015 Impact Factor Value 5.336 & 2014 Index Copernicus Value: 63.21 |
8 | 8. Vanisree Ramanathan | Jul-16 | Media, Law and Human rights in India: unequal partners | Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary | 1.ISSN: 2320-5083, Volume 4, Issue 6, July 2016(Impact Factor 2.417) |
9 | Nagesh Sawant | Jul-16 | Sedition Law In India: A Concise Analysis. | International Journal of Law and Legal Jurisprudence Studies, 3(3) : 31-38 | ( ISSN: 2348-8212). |
10 | Bangali Swapnil, Harita Bangali | Jul-16 | The Information Technology Act, 2000: | No One Act Syndrome, International Journal of Law | 1.ISSN: 2455-2194, RJIF 5.12, Volume: 2, Issue: 4, page no. 22-23. |
11 | Bangali Swapnil & Harita Bangali | Jul-16 | Widening the Applicability of The Information Technology Act, 2000: | Solution to Identity Verification and Challenges, International Journal in Management and Social Science | (Impact Factor- 5.276) IJMSS Vol.04 Issue-07, (July, 2016) ISSN: 2321-1784 page no. 127 to 132 |
12 | Divya Priyadarshini & Pal Garima | Jul-16 | Connotation of relocated slums towards Drug Abuse, Alcoholism: A sociological study conducted in Delhi" | International Journal of Applied Research, (2016);2(7): 428-438 | ,ISSN PRINT:2394-7500,ISSN ONLINE 2394-5869,Page number : 428-438. |
13 | Vanisree Ramanathan , Swapnil Bangali | Jul-16 | Big and High dimensional Data in the Digital World: Statistical, Computational and Privacy Challenges, | International Journal of Automation and Logistics (IJAL) Vol 2, No.4 pp. 369–387 | Print ISSN: 2049-6745, Online ISSN: 2049-6753, Inderscience Publishers Ltd. International |
14 | Vanisree Ramanathan | Oct-16 | Live-in relationship in India: Judicial response and changing paradigm in gender justice | Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary | ISSN: 2320-5083, Volume 4, Issue 9, October 2016. |
15 | Vanisree Ramanathan & Jaisy George | Nov-16 | Women’ trafficking in India: Unearthing the key vulnerability factors using interpretative structural modeling, International Journal of Applied Research, Volume 2, Issue12, Part D, Page 223-229 | ISSN: 2394- 7500 Impact Factor: RJIF 5.2 http://www.allresearchjournal.com/archives | |
16 | Bangali Swapnil, Gurpur Shashikala | Dec-16 | Challenges Relating to Adjudication of Contraventions under Section 43 of the Information Technology Act, 2000. | Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 6: 231-242 | (DOAJ; ISSN: 2249-9598). |
17 | Ghosh Shayan, Bangali Swapnil, Beerannavar Chaitra | Dec-16 | Comparative Analysis of Mergers & Acquisitions in Banking Sector: A Scrutiny from the Competition Law Perspective. | Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 6: 159-173 | (DOAJ; ISSN: 2249-9598). |
18 | S Bindu Sravya, Aghav Santosh | Dec-16 | (12/2016) Why they do, What they do : Analytical Study of Acid attacks. | National Journal of Comparative Law, 3(1): 116-124 | (ISSN: 2393-9338). |
Book Chapter Published | |||||
1 | Gurpur Shashikala | Sep-16 | (09/2016), Current ambiguities in Karnataka: Issues of Women: | Alvas Nudisiri Cultural Festival, Karnataka, 2016. | |
2 | Gurpur Shashikala, Pratima Puri | Sep-16 | Chapter on 'Nuclear Energy in India' , in Sairam Bhat P (ed). | Energy Laws in India, National Law School of India University, Bangalore, 2016. |
Sr No | Name of the Author & Co-Author if any | Publication Month & Year | Title of Publication | Publisher | ISSN/ISBN with Number |
1 |
Gurpur Shashikala, Beerannavar Chaitra |
Dec-15 |
The Applicability of Anti-Assignment Clauses In Reverse Triangular Mergers: An American Approach. | International Journal of Law and Legal Jurisprudence Studies. | 2(3) (ISSN: 2348-8212). |
2 |
Gurpur Shashikala, Beerannavar Chaitra |
Nov-15 |
Reverse Merger as a Method of Going Public: Regulatory Approach in U.S, American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (AIJRHASS) | ,Issue 10 (Indexed in IndexCopernicus, Computer Science Directory, GetCITED, DOAJ, SSRN, TGDScholar, WorldWideScience, CiteSeerX, CRCnetBASE, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, INSPEC, ProQuest, ArnetMiner, Base, ChemXSeer, citebase, OpenJ-Gate, eLibrary, SafetyLit, SSRN, VADLO, OpenGrey, EBSCO, ProQuest, UlrichWeb, Scirus, ISSUU, SPIE Digital Library, arXiv, ERIC, EasyBib, Infotopia, WorldCat, .docstoc , JURN, Mendeley, ResearchGate, cogprints, OCLC, iSEEK, Scribd, LOCKSS, CASSI, E-PrintNetwork, intute,and other databases.) | ISSN(Print): 2328-3734, ISSN(Online): 2328-3696, ISSN(CD-ROM): 2328-3688 |
3 |
Gurpur Shashikala |
Dec-15 |
Technology in Legal Research: A Contemporary Perspective for India, | Karnataka State Law University Journal | Vol III No. 1, ISSN: 2321-9440, pg. 71-79 |
4 |
Hajare Shashikant |
Nov-15 |
Criminalizing Santhara: An Erroneous Interpretation of the Law | International Journal of Socio-Legal Research | (ISSN: 2393-8250), Issue 1 |
5 |
Hajare Shashikant |
Oct-15 |
Complete Prohibition of Cow Slaughter in Maharashtra: Constitutionally Valid, Socially Desirable and Unequivocally Secular Measure | All India Reporter (AIR) - Journal Section. | (ISSN 0002-5596), Volume 102 |
6 |
Hajare Shashikant, Wadje Ashok |
Sep-15 |
Obscenity in Cyberspace: Response of Indian Cyber Law | South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies(SAJMS) | ISSN: 2349-7858: SJIF 2.246: Volume 2 Issue 2 |
7 |
RamanathanVanishree |
Feb - July 2015 |
Women’s Empowerment in India: Milestones and Challenges. | International Journal of Educational Aspects, Management Studies and Applied Sciences Volume 3 Issue 10/11 | [ISSN – 2320-0383] |
8 |
RamanathanVanishree |
Sep-15 |
Family Court Act 1984: Past Lessons, Future Outlook: |
International Journal For Legal Developments And Allied Issues, Volume 1 Issue 3 |
[ISSN – 2454-1273] (e-journal) |
9 |
RamanathanVanishree |
Jul-15 |
Sexual Harassment At Work Place (Prevention, Prohibition And Redresal) Act 2013: Assertion For Women’s Empowerment In India | International Journal For Legal Developments & Allied IssuesVolume 1 Issue 2 | [Issn 2454-1273] ] (e-journal) |
10 |
Pal Garima |
Sep-15 |
Measures for Rehabilitating Drug Abusers and Alcoholics, | International Journal of Science and Research, Volume 4 | ISSN: 2319-7064 (Other Indexes – Index copernicus) |
11 |
Pal Garima |
Jun-15 |
Advent of Criminology in Modern Society | International Journal of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Research, Volume 4 | ISSN: 2277-677X, Issue 2 (Other indexes) |
12 |
Rawat Surya Rashmi |
Jul-15 |
Determinant Attributes of Green Products |
International Journal of Marketing Financial Services and Management Research |
ISSN: 2277-3622 Vol 4, pg 193-215 Other indexes) International |
13 |
Sapatnekar Amol |
May-15 |
Doctrine of Willful Patent Infringement: Evolution under American Patent Law And Need of Further Research | Journal of Intellectual Property Rights | Vol. 20(1) ISSN: 0975-1076 [SCOPUS] |
Book Chapters Published | |||||
1 | Doming Tokmem | Jun-15 | Criminal Law Amendment Act: through a feminist lens, Gender Justice; A reality or fragile myth, z, | ISBN: 978-81-8484-525-9 | |
2 |
Kumar Kishor, Pal Garima |
Chapter: Violence against Women, Book: Status and Role of Women in Uttarakhand , (Edited by: Neeta Bora Sharma) Himalay Prints | Himalay Prints | ISBN: 978-93-5104-583-0 | |
Conference Proceedings | |||||
1 |
Ramanathan Vanishree |
Feb-15 |
Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights and Gender Justice in India. | Proceedings of National Seminar on Changing Paradigm in Gender Justice, | (ISBN : 987-81-929282-0-3). |
2 |
Mohanty Aparajita |
Jan-16 |
Student-Centric Learning Modules:Need of the Hour State Level Conference on Designing Student Centric Learning Modules, |
Haribhai V Desai College in collaboration with BCUD, SPPU Pune |
(ISBN:97893-5158-300-4 ) |
3 |
Ronald Bindu, Vasmatkar Abhijit |
Oct-15 |
India EU Free Trade Agreement: Issues and Concern |
International Multidisciplinary Law Conference on Interdisciplinary Integration for Legal Enrichment |
ISSN 2455-6467 |
4 |
Rawat Surya Rashmi, Kediya Anant, Dushyanth Samanth, Dhruvastha Pankhuri |
Dec-15 |
Modi’s Make in India drive: Right Time to Give a National Call to become a Global Manufacturing Hub, | SIMSARC, Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune |
(yet to be published) |
5 |
Aghav Santosh |
Sep-15 |
Restorative Justice to Victims of Secondary Re-Victimization and Role of the Law Schools in the Capacity Building of the Justice Workers, | Fourth Annual National Conference on Contemporary Legal Scholarship |
(yet to be published) |
6 |
Bangali Swapnil |
Sep-15 |
Challenges Relating to Adjudication of Contraventions under Section 43 of the IT Act, 2000 |
Fourth Annual National Conference on Contemporary Legal Scholarship |
(yet to be published) |
7 |
Ramanathan Vanishree |
Jan-15 |
Dowry, Domestic Violence and Law: Need of State and Society Interface. | UGC Sponsored One Day Seminar on Offences against Women – Issues and Challenges | ( ISBN: 978-81-930233-0-3) |